Failure to establish and maintain adequate procedures to ensure that formal documented reviews of the design results are planned and conducted at appropriate stages of the device’s design development, as required by 21 CFR 820.30(e). For example, the design control procedure (P03 02) requires that design reviews be completed at the end of the completion of all technical documentation. The design review for the Lady Comp device was completed June 16, 2008, prior to the completion of the software qualification for the Lady Comp device, which was completed October 17, 2008. No design review was conducted after the software qualification. The adequacy of your firm’s response, dated October 26, 2012, cannot be determined at this time. Your firm completed a new design review for the Lady Comp device that included software validation. Additionally, your firm stated that training would be conducted on the current design review procedure. However, the evidence of implementation to include the training documentation was not provided in the response.
View the original warning letter.