User Administration for MS Excel Spreadsheets
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ExcelSafe provides user-level security to Excel spreadsheets. Each user group can be assigned particular privileges, like the right to create new spreadsheets, edit existing spreadsheets, or add an electronic signature.
Key Features of ExcelSafe User Level Security
- Administrators have full control over users.
- Administrators can add and remove users from security groups.
- Administrators can add and remove users from the program.
- Administrators can define password complexity.
- System administrators can re-set user passwords.
- Group Security is an element of demonstrating compliance with 21 CFR 11.10(d), Limited System Access, and 21 CFR 11.10(g), Authority Checks.

Administrators can select users, edit the groups the user belongs to, and view all user metadata. Users can be added to or removed from a security group with a single click. Administrators can also create new users, reset passwords, or remove users from the system.

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